Interview retrospect - Frontend Engineer

1 minute read

Array merge

let mergeArray = (a,b) => {

const a = [1,5,5,20,30];
const b = [2,2,10,20];

// Output 1 = [1,5,5,20,30,2,2,10,20]; // a after b
// Output 2 = [1,2,2,5,5,10,20,20,30]; // sorted


Output 1

let mergeArray = (a,b) => {
  return [...a, ...b];
  • Asks about immutable, mutable
    • variable a and b are declared as immutable, so we cannot declare a or b as new object or value
    • But we can modify it’s value
      const a= [1,2,3];
      a = [1]; // impossible -> a is const so we cannot re-assign it to others
      a[1] = 0; // possible -> can modifty in-object value
  • About the value changes
    • my result will not change origin array a, b’s value.
    • because it will copy the value, not refer the object.
  • Time complexity
    • O(n)

Output 2

1st answer

let mergeArray = (a,b) => {
  return [...a, ...b].sort((a,b) => a-b);
  • Time complexity
    • O(nlogn)
    • create new array (O(n)) + sort (O(nlogn))= O(nlogn)

2nd answer

  • Try reducing time complexity to O(n)
let mergeArray = (a,b) => {
  // check negative cases
  if (!a && !b) return []; // nothing to merge
  else if (!a || !a.length) return b;
  else if (!b || !b.length) return a;

  let i = 0;
  let j = 0;
  let c = new Array();
  while (i < a.length || j < b.length) {
    const val_a = a[i];
    const val_b = b[j];
    if (!val_a || val_a >= val_b) {
    } else if (!val_b || val_a <= val_b) {
  return c;
  • Couldn’t finish ontime
    • big mistake.

technical backgrounds

  • Reducing the loading
    • Remove image resources, and replace it to svg
    • put splash screen and while in the splash, execute script and loading resources
      • don’t reduce actual loading time, but the user feels quite differently.
    • for the huge list, load seperatly, display the first few items first after it loaded and load another items
  • The way to analysis loading
    • Chrome inspector
    • Record timeline from loading to loaded, and check function’s execution time, and compare with the logic, to find the bottle neck situation
    • After find the bottleneck, split it’s logic to resolve bottleneck.
  • Have you ever used ssr?
    • no csr only, ssr for personal study, with next.js
