Next.js with Typescript + redux

1 minute read

We’ll talk about Server-side-rendering (SSR) with Next.js Next.js with Typescript + Redux

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Next JS Project Setup

yarn init --yes

–yes means that will automatically answer yes to all questions which may have security implications.

yarn add next react react-dom typescript

Install required dependencies

Install required @types module

yarn add @types/next @types/react

@types prefix means get the declaration files for packages

Needed for Typescript @zeit/next-typescript is no longer needed since Next.js has built-in support for TypeScript now.

Create configuration file

Create next.config.js in the project

Create .babelrc in the project

Create tsconfig.json in the project

From Next 9, Typescript supported default, so not needed any configuration tsconfig.json will be created by default.

Add a scripts property to the package.json file.

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "next"

Include a script to run a local server for development

Create shard layout

Create pages Layout

Create a new pages directory, then create tsx file.

import React from 'react'
const Index: React.FunctionComponent = () => {
  return (
    <h1>Hello Next.js 👋</h1>

export default Index

Now run the dev deploy

yarn dev


npm run dev

Install Redux

yarn add react-redux redux redux-thunk

react-redux : Support react to use redux

redux : Redux, itself

redux-thunk : Library for asynchronous at redux

Also add redux-devtools-extension (redux dev toops

yarn add redux-devtools-extension

store initialize

reducer initialize

action initialize



